Budget & Fiancials

2024-2025 Northwood PTA Budget & Financial Statements

PTA Reimbursement Form

  1. Please complete the middle portion of the PTA Reimbursement Form linked above.

  2. Original receipts, invoices or contracts must be attached in order to receive reimbursement or payment. Note: the Northwood PTA is tax exempt. Please get a copy of the exemption letter before making any purchases. Present the letter to the merchant whenever possible.

  3. Include the name of the event/program and describe the details of the expense/items purchased.

  4. Submit reimbursement form and invoice/receipt to treasurer electronically, or place in "for treasurer" envelope in PTA box in main office
    Let the treasurer know via email or text message that you have left the form in the envelope.

  5. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope to receive your check by mail, or you may pick it up in the PTA box within 5 business days of the date following submission.

  6. Contact the PTA Treasurer with any questions at: northwoodptaroyaloak@gmail.com


2023-2024 Northwood PTA Budget & Financial Statements